Stuff Shasta likes

Shasta puts in her work every day and has to look and feel good while doing it. These are the companies and brands Shasta likes and we choose to support. None of these people, shops, companies, etc sponsor us or provide anything to compensate us. They just make good stuff. These endorsements are from our pup to yours.

Fi Collar ( GPS/LTE Location / Activity / Sleep tracker for dogs.

Shasta is currently the 1829th most active Lab in all of Fi dogs! That's a lot of running pups!

Use Referral Code: 8W7RCQ and get a free band!

FKN Pretty Fi Compatible Collars ( Shasta currently has the Emerald Don't Give A Shit Chevron 1.5 inch Fi Martingale Collar and she loves it. Shes FKN Pretty and everyone knows it. We have masks and gaiters from them to match Ms Shasta.

Rover Roamer Dog Trolley ( We have 100 feet of line in the trees at home for Shasta to have some freedom while we play or work on the garden. Shipped from Sacramento so i think its local-ish too! A must have for those with land and no fencing.

Sugar Snap Peas (Your local grocery store or farm) Pop a bag of these in the freezer for the absolute favorite treat for Shasta. Shasta gets hers from 24 Carrot Farms.

Service Dog Leash Wraps ( Shasta works hard and to let her work with no distractions, we use these leash wraps. She has a few that say different things for different occasions. "Working Dog, Ask to Pet" is the usual.

Lee's Feed & Pet Supply ( Our local feed and supply shop. Wide selection and great treats and toys!

Fur Baby Cookies ( We try to eat local and fresh and so does Shasta. These treats are made locally and sold at 24 Carrot Farms.

In The Zone Dog Training (

Shasta came to us from In The Zone during our time of need. We are grateful to Francisco and his family (and their pups) every day.

Pleasant Valley Pet Clinic (

Shasta is in good hands with Pleasant Valley Pet Clinic. We trust them and Shasta loves going in for visits.

Bark Box (

Shasta is SO SMART, she is easily bored with her toys. Bark Box sends her NEW toys monthly and she is always entertained!

From fun 420 bong treat dispensers to plush tug toys with MORE toys inside!?!?, cant go wrong with Bark Box!

South Fork 1848 Bakeshop and Cafe

Shasta is loved everywhere she goes, the staff at South Fork 1848 are Shasta's buddies and have special treats behind the counter for good pups. Every Sunday morning, Shasta and I go get breakfast here and then we go to the local park to play. Shasta loves this routine.